Gable truss with outrigger positioning

Figure C4-02-01-01

Gable truss overhang fixing, Multinail heel positioning & first outrigger position.

Figure C4-02-01-02

Gable truss positioning in relation to end wall

Figure C4-02-01-03

Very Low Wind Speed (N1 & N2)

Detail A - 3/75mm 3.05Ø Nails or 1/Multi Grip

Detail B - 2/75mm 3.05Ø skew nails

Notes: - Max verge overhang 600mm - Max outrigger/truss centres 600mm

Low Wind Speed (N2,N3 & C1)

Detail A - 3/75mm 3.05Ø Nails or 1/Multi Grip

Detail B - 1/Multi Grip or Cyclone tie

Notes: - Max verge overhang 1200mm - Max outrigger/truss centres 1200mm

High Wind Speed (N4,C2 & C3)

Detail A - 2/No14 Type 17 batten screws or 1/Multi Grip

Detail B - 1/Cyclone tie

Notes: - Max verge overhang 1200mm - Max outrigger/truss centres 1200mm