The following roof batten splicing details are recommended to adequately provide lateral restraint to the roof truss top chords for all metal sheet roofs.
Batten tie down and size to be designed by others
Rules given in AS4440 must also be followed which include:
- Do not splice battens on girder trusses
- Fix each batten to every lamination of every truss with minimum 2/nails
- Adjacent battens should not be spliced in the same point
- Not more than 1 in 3 battens to be spliced on any truss top chord
Design criteria | |
Roof material | Steel Sheeting |
Truss centres | 1200mm maximum |
Batten size | 35 x 70 min. 45 x 90 maximum |
Batten spacing | 1200mm maximum |
Option 1
Figure C1-04-02-01

Option 2
Figure C1-04-02-02

Option 3
Figure C1-04-02-03

Option 4
Figure C1-04-02-04

Option 5
Figure C1-04-02-05